The Great Coupling 3D Immersion 2017

About This Project

An immersive 3D LED grid integrated with the audience capable of displaying interactive contents with performers.


We combined a large scale immersive 3D LED grid integrated with the audience seat in a theater. The audience therefore are surrounded by the lights during the performance. The lights interact with the performer creating an immediate relationship between the performer and the audience. A conventional motion image is displayed through a 2D screen. By placing equidistant LEDs as pixels in space, we are literally creating a true 3D volumetric display.


The hardware and software systems were developed by our team with mobility and flexibility in mind to accommodate for the change in media content and spatial structure. We can build a 3D model in our software, edit and playback the lighting effects, at the same time generating data we use to control the lighting. So what we see in the program is what we get in reality.  This design enables the installation to be quickly installed and tested on site.


Director/Producer|Ivan Liu
Production|Legacy Lab International
Project Management| Lyla Liu
Choreographer|Huai-Te Huang
Dancers|Huai-Te Huang, Bing-Heng Chunag
Music Design/Electric Violin|Daphne Su
Music Design/Electronic Music| Chao-Yu Lin
3D Light Hardware Design| Kevin Lai
3D Light Software Design| Yu-Hsun Wang
Asst. Programmers| Ming-Jyun Hung, Kuei-Ming Tseng
Interactive Image Design|Future Action Interactive Art
Violin Interactive Interface Design|Jing-En Cheng
Stage Manager/Asst. Stage Designer|Yi-Hsuen Lin
Stage Technical Director|Hsin-Ting Chen
Stage Lighting Designer |Fang-Yu Kuo
Photographer|Ardent Wei
Technical Advisor|Wei-Ting Chen
Video Director|Paul Chen
Graphic Design|Yun-Wu Li, Lyla Liu
Personnel Manager/Forum Anchor|Pei-Ling Li
Assistant|Ruo-Jie Shih
